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Ready to give a new habit a spin?
How about working to improve your mental health?

Here is an example of how you can get started toward your goal of  improving your mental health.
***If you are feeling like you want to harm yourself or others, tell a trusted adult right away, or call 988

Use this template or make your own. Good Luck!

I want to improve my mental health by getting help with my negative thoughts or feelings because:



***If you are feeling like you want to harm yourself or others, tell a trusted adult right away, or call 988

To help me be successful at overcoming negative thoughts and feelings, I will:

____ Think of someone I trust and ask them TODAY if I can go to them the next time I feel bad 

____ Talk to someone I trust right now and set up a time to talk again and / or find a counselor

____ See if it is helpful to journal my thoughts and feelings 

____ I will NOT isolate myself - I will reach out to someone EVERY time I feel alone or lonely 

____ Pay attention to my thoughts and find a phrase and / or action to help me shake the negative

thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts

Phrase ideas: “shake it off”, “I will not listen to bad thoughts”, “Look for something good”, 

“Is this thought really true?”, “What do I actually know is true?” (I like apples - apples grow on

 trees - apples make good pie and cobbler.)

Other phrase and positive thought ideas: ______________________________________


____ Make a list of positive distractions to try when my thoughts or feelings are negative

Ideas for Positive Distractions: 

  • Imagine how to make my favorite flavor of ice cream (or other food) - think of every ingredient and where it comes from - stir the cream (milk from a cow) and sugar (sugar beets?)  together, pick the raspberries, grind up chocolate, add melted caramel, etc.

  • Imagine how to build or fix something that I can see or imagine right now

  • Do a really complicated long division or other math problem

  • Listen to music that helps me get rid of negative thoughts

  • Force myself to do an activity for 20 minutes (paint, color, play a musical instrument, build a tower with blocks or legos - even if I’m too old for playing with blocks)

  • Get up and move - do physical activity, get some fresh air, take a walk, play with my pet

  • Talk out loud to myself or to someone - it can take away the power of the thoughts

  • More ideas: _______________________________________________________________________


____ Tell someone my plan, and have them help me stay accountable

Other things I will do:


Congratulations on deciding you want to make a change! You are EPIC!

If you need help, be sure to reach out to a trusted adult or a friend who is a positive influence

How to start or change a habit:

  1. Decide what you want to change - be specific: how much change, how often, how quickly

  2. Write down (and share with someone) why this change is important to you

  3. Set a goal for each day

  4. Find strategies to help you make the change

  5. Track your progress

  6. Evaluate and adjust if needed

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