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Ready to give a new habit a spin?
How about spending more time reading books?

Here is an example of how you can get started toward your goal of spending more time reading books.

Use this template or make your own. Good Luck!

I want to spend more time READING books because:



To help me be successful at reading more books, I will:

____ Visit the library and get a new book 

____ Try a book from a new genre

____ Start a book club with some friends

____ Challenge my friends to see who can read the most for the rest of the summer

____ Tell someone my plan, and have them help me stay accountable

Other things I will do:


Congratulations on making a change! You are EPIC!

It only takes 21 days to build or break a habit! 

Stick with it for 3 weeks, track your progress, keep going, and then try setting a new goal!

How to start or change a habit:

  1. Decide what you want to change - be specific: how much change, how often, how quickly

  2. Write down (and share with someone) why this change is important to you

  3. Set a goal for each day

  4. Find strategies to help you make the change

  5. Track your progress

  6. Evaluate and adjust if needed


supporting youth in making healthy and safe choices

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