Ready to give a new habit a spin?
How about reducing your screen time?
Here is an example of how you can get started toward your goal of reducing your screen time.
Use this template or make your own. Good Luck!
I want to REDUCE my SCREEN TIME by ________ hours / minutes per day because:
To help me be successful at reducing my amount of screen time, I will:
____ When I am on screens, set an alarm for _____________ minutes to remind me to stop
____ Move my charging station / screen out of my bedroom
____ Tell someone my plan, and have them help me stay accountable
____ Set limits on certain apps to remind me to limit my time
App: ___________________ Time limit: ________ App: __________________ Time limit: ________
App: ___________________ Time limit: ________ App: __________________ Time limit: ________
Other things I will do:
Congratulations on making a change! You are EPIC!
It only takes 21 days to build or break a habit!
Stick with it for 3 weeks, track your progress, keep going, and then try setting a new goal!
How to start or change a habit:
Decide what you want to change - be specific: how much change, how often, how quickly
Write down (and share with someone) why this change is important to you
Set a goal for each day
Find strategies to help you make the change
Track your progress
Evaluate and adjust if needed